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Marriage Week in Review: May 5 – May 11

This has been another wonderful week in marriage at Families.com. I am so excited to have Courtney back in action and Heather chiming in with a couple of articles. I hope that you too have enjoyed our articles this week!

Monday, May 5
Marriage Breakers – Part 2
In this article Heather continues her discussion on topics that must be addressed before marriage and the factors that can lead to a marriage break up.

Just Because It Is Not Your Way Doesn’t Make It Wrong
While differences with our mate are important and can be very crucial to our marriage, we must also allow for some lead way. You can expect that even the most perfectly matched couples have some differences in opinions.

Emotional Effects on a Marriage
When the emotional bond is not there, being a couple can be difficult. In addition to being physically attracted to your mate, you must also have emotional feelings too.

Physical Effects on a Marriage
When the physical attraction to your mate is gone, the emotional bond is sure to broken also. While looks are not the only important factor in a marriage or couple, finding your mate attractive is a must.

Do You Do PDA?
In this article Courtney discusses how much public displays of affection should be carried out and how much she uses.

Tuesday, May 6
10 Things You Don’t Say To Your Wife
Heather stated ten true and light hearted phrases that should never be stated to a wife.

Violent Wives
In this article I began to discuss the difference that society places on men and women who are physically violent. Surprisingly many men are abused by their wives.

Blessings in Disguise
In this article I discussed how we never know how things will turn out. In many cases one relationship fails only to lead us to a better one.

Wednesday, May 7
Rest in Peace Mrs. Loving
In this article Heather fairs her good-byes to a lady who never much about love and relationships.

Summer Fun for Couples
This article gives some ideas for couples and summertime fun. Some are romantic and others will bring out a youthful side.

Television in Your Bedroom: Yes or No?
I examined whether or not a television should be in your bedroom. Some couples are not bothered by a television but others are against it.

Marriage Blogger Desperately Seeking Solace
Here Courtney cries out as she struggles with both her mother’s health and her own personal relationship troubles.

Thursday, May 8
Facing a Marriage Crisis
In this article Courtney continues her discussion on the feelings that she is now experiencing about her relationship. She worries that her feelings are not natural.

No Wedding in Sight?
This article discusses the relationships that never seem to take the next step.

Friday, May 9
Q&A with Drs. Parrott, Authors of Trading Places
In this article Courtney gives us insight on her discussion with the authors of a new relationship book.

Saturday, May 10
Relationship Experience: Positive or Negative?This article gives some pros and cons of dating or marrying a person who has much previous relationship experience.