The family of one of my daughter’s classmates owns a martial arts studio in our town. Consequently, whenever it’s the kid’s turn to bring treats to share with the rest of the first grade class, he always hands out passes for free karate lessons. The last time it was his turn for treat day he also brought along a scrapbook which highlighted the tournaments and ceremonies completed by members of the studio.
It reaffirmed to me that nothing is unscrappable.
In most cases martial arts memory books are created for a single student. The scrapbook can be crafted to track the child’s progress and display awards or other accomplishments. However, if you have more than one child in martial arts, you could put together a separate book dedicated solely to tournaments. Fill the book with the awards won at these special events, that way you have a record of all of your kids’ accomplishments in one book.
If your child hasn’t advanced to tournaments yet, then concentrate on documenting any special skills he or she may have learned over the course of a six-month program. The trick to creating a memorable book is to tailor it to your child’s age and skill level.
Once you decide on a theme, you can get started putting the scrapbook together. Fortunately, martial arts are extremely popular activities, so you won’t have a hard time finding karate, judo or taekwondo theme scrapbooking items. If you do, then shop online. Scrapbook websites are teeming with martial arts-theme embellishments, such as karate student die cuts, tournament medal die cuts, karate uniform stickers, karate black belt theme paper, martial arts theme rubber stamps, judo fighter stencils and martial arts theme frames.
In addition, to stickers, stamps and die cuts featuring karate and judo- themed elements, consider using prints from martial arts films as decorative elements on layouts. You could also use scraps from your son or daughter’s old uniforms or old belts to further enhance the page design.
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