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Matching Outfits Are Sooooo Over Rated

I know there are many parents out there that feel strongly that their kids are to match when they go out. They are to have matching shoes, hair pieces if appropriate. . .I even know one girl who frequently has matching jewelry. (And yes, this is still the baby blog–the girl is only 3!)

Maybe I have just birthed particularly strong willed girls or maybe I’m just a slob. But I could care less if my kids match. Okay–if we’re taking pictures or attending something important–I care. But on a day to day basis, to go to the park, meet friends or go shopping it doesn’t bother me one bit to see my child in striped shorts with a polka dot shirt and plaid head band. Mind you, not all of my children choose to dress this way, or if they do choose to not match one day they certainly don’t do it every day.

Clothing is not a power struggle worth having. . .

I have written before how I feel strongly that parents are to avoid power struggles at all costs. I definitely don’t believe in giving in to every whim of a child. I just feel that if you engage in a power struggle you MUST win because you are the parent. And so often, I see parents engage in power struggles they cannot win or they engage in power struggles that aren’t worth winning.

As for me, clothing is a power struggle not worth winning. Clothes must be clean and they must be modest. I will advise if I think an outfit is particularly unwise for the type of day we’re having. . .like skirt and the playground and I will nix anything that is inappropriate. (No bathing suits to the museum!) But gosh, I have bigger fish to fry. I care so much more desperately about my children’s character and their manners than whether or not their clothing matches.

And why am I contemplating my children’s wardrobe this morning? My two year old twins have officially gotten to the age where they desire to choose their own clothing for most events. I don’t think they care if they look like the other one. . .but one really likes dresses and the other really likes pants and shirts. One really likes glitter and the other likes flowers. Gone are the days of cute coordinated outfits. But that’s okay. I would so much rather enforce my parental authority in other areas. Like temper tantrums. . .

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Twins: To Dress Alike or Not?

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