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Media Week in Review – March 16 – 22

Make sure you didn’t miss any of this week’s great media reviews. We started off the week with an interview with Families.com Pop Culture blogger, Libby Pelham.

If your decorating budget is small, or even nonexistent, or you just want some fresh ideas for your house check out our TV review of Freestyle Decorating.

Fool Me Twice by Stephanie Black is an LDS suspense novel that kept Tristi guessing.

Tristi also interviewed historical fiction author Sandra Grey on having her first novel published and how she conducted her research. In the second part of the interview, Grey discusses her main characters motivations and the problems they face since they are on opposite sides of WWII.

If your children like silly, and like to make up their own songs, check out Take Me Out of the Bathtub by Alan Katz.