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Medicaid in Two States, and Some Insurance Tips

ketchup What did you miss on the Insurance Blog this week? The Week in Review is a great way to “ketchup” on the blogs that you didn’t happen to see when they first went up. Here is a brief description of each one, and a link that will take you to the whole story. These blogs went up between September 10, 2012, and September 15, 2012.

Kentucky Bill Would Allow Fake Insurance Plans to Continue
Medi-Share is not a real health insurance plan. It is a Christian “health sharing ministry” that doesn’t follow the regulations that insurance companies are supposed to follow. Somehow, there is a bill in Kentucky that, if passed into law, would let Medi-Share continue to sell fake insurance.

Illinois Has a One Stop Application Portal for Medicaid
In Illinois, people begin the application process for Medicaid by using the Illinois Healthcare Portal website. This is the place to start no matter which part of the Medicaid program a person is intending to apply for.

Illinois Still Has an All Kids Program
Part of every Medicaid program includes a portion that covers children. In Illinois, this part is called All Kids. However, due to cuts to the program made by Governor Pat Quinn (and several legislators), the program doesn’t actually cover “all kids” anymore.

Illinois Has a Moms & Babies Medicaid Program
Medicaid in Illinois has two programs that cover pregnant women. One is called Moms & Babies. The other is called Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility (MPE). The MPE program helps pregnant women to get health care right away. A woman must apply for the Moms & Babies program to have the bills for childbirth in a hospital covered by Medicaid.

An Update on the Michael Jackson’s Insurance Lawsuit
This has been ongoing since Michael Jackson died in 2009. The update is that the promotor, AEG Live, dropped its claim in a lawsuit against Lloyd’s of London after email from AEG was released that confirmed that AEG knew that Michael Jackson was not in good health when they purchased the Lloyd’s of London policy.

When Should You Review Your Insurance Policies?
State Farm has some great advice about when you should take the time to review your insurance policies. Sometimes, this could result in a way for you to save money.

Wisconsin Has ForwardHealth and BadgerCare
In Wisconsin, the main Medicaid program is called ForwardHealth. There is also a state run health program called BadgerCare Plus. It includes a Core Plan that is no longer accepting people (but that will continue to cover those who are currently using it).

Image by Gordon Joly on Flickr