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Medical Transcription Schools: Andrews School, Part One

This blog is part of a series on transcription. If you haven’t read the other blogs in this series, make sure to check out the summary page for a listing of all transcription blogs.

As a part of the transcription series, I am focusing on the medical transcription schools that you can attend to receive your medical transcription certificate. Andrews School is the school I am going to focus on over the next couple of days. I have heard many good things about the school and about its founder, Linda Andrews, and I am pleased to be able to be able to talk about this school on my blog.

Linda has opted to simply tell me about some different aspects of her school, instead of going the question-and-answer route, so here is the first part of the information she sent me. Because her answer was quite long, I will be breaking it up into several blogs. Having said all that, here’s Linda’s thoughts on the course itself:

The online medical transcription course is designed to be completed within one year. Students spend from 15 to 30 hours a week on transcription practice and reading assignments, depending on their ability to cover the material effectively. We allow 4 months for students to finish Module I, 5 months for Module II, and 3 months for Module III.

Students must turn in medical transcription documents (not just terminology tests) to be graded every month in order to remain as a student. We are able to extend the time for any student who needs additional time, as long as the student continues to turn in transcription to be graded every month and is otherwise making good and consistent progress.

Our program is based on an educationally sound curriculum that includes textbook study, transcription of authentic physician dictation, research using a reference library supplied by Andrews School, and feedback from expert instructors with impressive credentials. Employers tell us we use the reference books they want their medical transcriptionists to use on the job. These books provide a foundation in medical terminology, pharmacology, anatomy and physiology, and disease processes.

Coming up next: Part Two which covers the tuition costs of the course.