This blog is part of a series on transcription. If you haven’t read the other blogs in this series, make sure to check out the summary page for a listing of all transcription blogs. For part five of this interview, please click here.
Here is last of the interview with Amanda, the Administrative Assistant at Career Step:
What MT companies have hired Career Step grads, and have said that they are interested in hiring more? Those who hire Career Step’s graduates regularly are Spheris, Focus Infomatics, MedQuist, Sten-tel, Amphion, Encompass, CMT Corporation, MxSecure, All Type, Princeton, Assistmed, OSI, OzeScribe, and SoftScript among others.
Companies who hire Career Step graduates are satisfied with the quality of work they provide. These companies continuously come back to Career Step for additional qualified medical transcriptionists. Here is what MTSO had to say about our students:
“I contacted you about a year ago looking for a transcriptionist and ended up hiring two. I am extremely pleased with both of them, so I thought that since I am in need again, I would go through you. Thanks so much!”
— Nina Heft, MINDKO Medical Transcription
What are the biggest strengths Career Step grads bring to their new jobs? Career Step graduates benefit from a well-rounded training program. When their training is complete, they already possess the skills necessary to become a medical transcriptionist. They have English language skills and experience in editing and proofreading. Career Step graduates are well versed in medical language skills and they are competent with technical and computer skills. They are trained in one of the most widely used methods of downloading and returning reports. They are exposed to a variety of productivity tools, resources, researching methods and have an understanding of the industry and what will be required of them.
All right, that’s the end of the Career Step interviews, and the end of the medical transcription school blogs. I will be finishing up the medical transcription focus this week and moving on to legal transcription, so stay tuned for that! Many thanks to Amanda for spending the time to write up such thorough answers about Career Step–I know she’s a busy lady, and I appreciate her willingness to be interviewed by little ol’ me.