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It can be difficult to find time to sit and meditate. However, this is an important and essential thing to help keep our testimonies strong. As a mother to young children, I rarely get a quiet moment to focus on the things of the spirit, and when I do at the end of the day, I’m generally too exhausted to really be able to focus on things the way that I want to.

Meditation is focusing and thinking on a certain subject. When I think of meditation in regards to my testimony, I think of it as a time to consider the blessings in my life. I will also meditate about finding solutions to my problems. I believe that meditation is closely related to prayer. As the focus you bring to both will relate to the spiritual outcome of either.

Although many experts on meditation insist on a stillness and absence of doing something, I find that as a mom (when I seldom have the opportunity to be completely still) that I can meditate while I am completing a mundane task that does not require much thought. Some specific activities include sorting the laundry, doing the dishes or vacuuming. During these times I’m usually left alone, and so it is easier to focus on these things.

I find that after I have meditated that I can bring my thoughts into focus by taking a few minutes to write them down. This also helps me to remember the things I have been focusing on. Fasting also helps to make meditation more effective. When you are truly searching for an answer a combination of fasting, prayer and meditation will usually bring the most effective results.

I find that I need to set aside time to allow myself to meditate on a regular basis. It helps me to deal with everything that is going on around me. This quiet time gives me a chance to make sure I am focusing on my priorities. How has meditation helped you?

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