Try practicing both yoga and mediation if you are trying to improve your outlook on life. There are many benefits to working to improve your attitude. People who have a positive outlook are less likely to suffer from health disorders related to stress.
Meditation helps to improve attitude in several key ways. One way yoga helps is by increasing awareness. With regular practice, you will become more aware of your attitude and repetitive issues that need to be addressed or problems that need to be solved. You will also be more in tune with your emotions.
This awareness and understanding of your own emotions often leads to understanding of, and patience for, the emotions and attitudes of others. In addition to a deeper understanding, meditation and yoga provide a feeling of connectedness to other beings, which naturally leads to an improvement in outlook and attitude.
Meditation and yoga help to clear the mind. This allows you to take a break, clear your mind and stop obsessing over an issue in your life or decision you need to make. When you take that break and give it some time, the right answer will present itself, either as a thought or an action.
Regular practice of yoga and meditation often enhances creativity. This can be creativity in the traditional sense, or creative problem solving. Many find a creative solution to a problem or decision will often present itself, either during or just after meditating.
This happens because the mind is relaxed and you are connected with your deeper self. Your intuition is then able to come through and be recognized. When the mind is filled with daily business with no break in the stream of thought, this has a negative effect on your attitude.
Taking that break to meditate allows you the time to enjoy stillness in the present moment. Whether you meditate separately from yoga, or practice a form of yoga that incorporates meditation techniques, you will find your outlook is improved in all areas of your life.