In addition to watching your gas consumption, there is another way to save money on gas. Find the cheapest gas in your city. In many major metropolitan areas, there can be a wide range of prices for a gallon of gas. How do you find the best one without wasting gas driving all over town?
The best way to check prices is the Internet. This is true even for gas! If you are lucky enough, you can find your town on this website, It is a website directory of more than 181 separate gas price websites maintained by neighbors in different areas in the United States and Canada. I am lucky; they have one in my town.
The way these websites work, is people will post when they buy or see a price of gas at a local station. The site will then sort these by the cheapest prices in different parts of town or neighboring suburbs. You can search the site by the cheapest overall for the area, or narrow down to your own neighborhood. In my town, the prices are updated almost daily, so it is incredibly accurate.
Of course, when shopping for gas – you have to consider the price and the distance you need to drive there. You can use sites like this to find the best price close by, even if it is not the lowest price in the whole area. You can also use this type of site to find the price of gas when you need to go across town for some reason. Maybe it would make sense to fill up on your next long errand.
Either way, this website gives you a wealth of information. You can do your part to help the battle against the gas station by adding to the information on the site when you see a gas price. The best way to fight the rising price of gas is to team up as consumers and get competitive. I hope they have one like this in your town!
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