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Mel Gibson’s Girlfriend is Pregnant: Ex-fans Sound Off

Well, now we know what finally pushed Robyn Gibson to end her 28-year marriage to the king of hypocrisy.

According to reports, Mel Gibson’s twice divorced wannabe singer girlfriend from Russia is pregnant with his love child.

Sources say Mel’s 39-year-old mistress, Oksana Grigorieva, who has a 12-year-old son with actor Timothy Dalton, is delighted by the turn of events. And why not, getting knocked up by a multi, multi-millionaire means she is set for life.

Last week, Grigorieva’s wealthy ex-boyfriend spoke to a British newspaper about his experience with the woman, who is allegedly carrying the “Mad Max” star’s spawn.

Businessman Alan Bergman describes Grigorieva as an “opportunist,” and detailed how he was ceremoniously dumped as soon as the leggy brunette met Dalton:

“Oksana married this guy and they were living in a council house. She then met me and I was far better off and had more money and had a better life,” Bergman told reporters. “She left him and she moved in with me. I didn’t ask her to. She then met Timothy Dalton at a party we went to. Within a week, she had moved in with him and I never saw her again. She was a very lovely girl, but a bit of an opportunist.”

Lovely girl?

I highly doubt, those are the words Gibson’s estranged wife and seven children would use to describe Grigorieva.

According to TMZ.com, Gibson broke the news of Grigorieva’s pregnancy to his children a few weeks ago. The conservative Catholic father also reportedly notified his seven children that he is now living with Grigorieva in a house he purchased for her shortly after he signed her to his record label, Icon.

I wonder if Gibson also told his kids that prior to moving into the mansion Mel bought her, Grigorieva was living in a house purchased by songwriter/producer David Foster, with whom she also had a relationship.

Not surprisingly, word has it that Mel’s kids are no longer speaking to him, and are reportedly “beyond disgusted” by the shame he has heaped upon the family.

Mel’s kids are not the only ones disgusted by the “The Passion of the Christ” star’s inappropriate behavior.

Here are just some of the online comments (the printable ones) posted by irate ex-Mel Gibson fans in the hours following the announcement that the staunch Roman Catholic cheated on his wife with a woman he could have fathered:

“Does the ultra-conservative Catholic church’s prohibition of birth control still count if he is screwing around on his wife with his mistress?”

“Since Mel built his own church, does he get to grant his own annulment?”

“Cause knockin’ up your mistress is the good Christian thing to do.”

“He’s the worst advertisement for the Catholic Church since the Inquisition.”

“Let’s see, what if any values has Mel taught his children? It’s okay to have other women on the side, while married, as long as you go to church! It’s okay to commit adultery, as long as you go to church! It’s okay to have a child out of wedlock, as long as you go to church!”

For starters, any Catholic priest will tell you that what Gibson has done is not in accordance with the Church’s teaching. Sooner or later everyone suffers the consequences of his actions. It usually takes time for the seed to spring up, but you always reap what you sow. The one who sins is by no means happy at any time. Mel might try to convince himself that he is, but deep down (if he has a functioning conscience) he likely knows that he will pay a huge price for his reprehensible actions.

Actually, Gibson’s impromptu flight to St. Louis last week to meet with Catholic bishops could indicate that he realizes that his narcissistic behavior is far from pleasing to God. Gibson reportedly asked the bishops to pray for him as he is “going through a bad time” in his life. Then again, maybe not, given that the main purpose for his trip was to talk to the bishops about the Maronite’s tradition of using Aramaic, during mass. (Gibson’s 2004 blockbuster, “The Passion of the Christ,” used the Aramaic language.)

Regardless, whatever Gibson does with his life is his own business. Wrong is wrong. However, justice is not ours to serve. One day Mr. Hypocrisy will look back on the ruins of the blast of his selfishness, and he’ll likely despair that his passions got the better of him.

In the meantime, I have a feeling that there will be far fewer fans paying to watch Gibson the next time he’s on the big screen.

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About Michele Cheplic

Michele Cheplic was born and raised in Hilo, Hawaii, but now lives in Wisconsin. Michele graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a degree in Journalism. She spent the next ten years as a television anchor and reporter at various stations throughout the country (from the CBS affiliate in Honolulu to the NBC affiliate in Green Bay). She has won numerous honors including an Emmy Award and multiple Edward R. Murrow awards honoring outstanding achievements in broadcast journalism. In addition, she has received awards from the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association for her reports on air travel and the Wisconsin Education Association Council for her stories on education. Michele has since left television to concentrate on being a mom and freelance writer.