We wish you a Merry Christmas; we wish you a Merry Christmas… and a Happy New Year! Be glad I’m just writing it and not actually singing it. And, while New Year’s Eve will be here soon enough, I want to take a moment to wish everyone the best, hoping that each of you enjoy great health and prosperity during the holidays and throughout the year.
For those who celebrate Christmas as a commemoration of the birth of Christ, I will be wishing Jesus a happy birthday along with you. Even though no one can be certain of the actual date of His birth, this is the time we celebrate that momentous occasion.
Of course, there are many secular traditions that go along with the religious aspects of the Christmas holiday. Yet, this day is a very special one, the one in which we celebrate our Heavenly Father’s love for us, having given us the greatest gift of all. I like to take a moment to reflect, to step back from Christmas preparations and celebrations, and remember the meaning of this holiday.
For those who engage in other forms of celebration or if it is another holiday that you celebrate, I wish you great happiness as well. Of course, if you do not indulge in any holiday festivities, I still hope you have a happy day.
Now, I am going to go play with my kids, sing Christmas songs, call my mom, mess with my husband’s presents, give the dogs a few treats, and later, eat too much dessert. What are your plans?
Whatever your plans are, whatever you do this Christmas, I hope this day and all your days are filled with love, laughter, and much joy.
May you and yours enjoy all the best things life has to offer.