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Million Family Challenge Update

Yesterday I received my organizer’s kit from the Million Family Challenge. I wrote about the challenge in a previous blog and if you have not read it, you can read all about it here. What I didn’t realize when I signed up is that the organizer’s kit contains two complimentary games. And I love getting free goodies!

Tyler and I have been spending time each day playing games and having fun. The complimentary games are a welcome addition to our stash. I’m not sure if everyone receives the same games but here’s what we received.

Today I went To The Market— It’s a puzzle and game all in one. First, players put the puzzle together (it’s a grocery store scene). The person who puts the last piece of the puzzle together goes first. When it’s your turn you look at the puzzle focus on an item and then describe it by saying, “Today I went to the market and I saw something that was… (red, starts with the letter C, is square, etc.).” The other players have to guess what the item is. Whoever guesses correctly receives a token. If no one guesses, the player whose turn it was gets a token. When all the tokens are gone, the game is over and the winner is the one with the most tokens. We had a great time playing this one.

The second game we received was called BubbleBrain. We have not played this one because it’s for kids ages 10 and up. It comes with over 300 picture cards and basically players have to write a funny caption for each one. Someone has to be the Bubble Master and pass the pictures around and collect the funny sayings. The Bubble Master reads the captions and the players have to guess which player wrote which caption. I plan to modify this game using the picture. I haven’t decided just how yet. Tyler’s suggestion was that we take three or four cards at random (his words) and make up a story.

The kit comes with a bunch of full-color brochures that you can place in the community, an interesting fact sheet about the history of games, a certificate of participation, a flyer that you can reproduce and also place in the community, plus press releases and public service announcements. The organizers of the event really did a great job and Tyler and I are excited about being a part of this event. So if you haven’t signed up, I urge you to do so.

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