“Miracle in the Rain” is a romantic melodrama starring Jane Wyman as Ruth Wood, a shy secretary whose life is devoted to the care of her ailing mother. Years before, Ruth’s father left them, and her mother tried to kill herself. Now she’s in a deep depression and Ruth only leaves her to go to work and to do the shopping. The rest of Ruth’s time is spent in the care of her mother, who uses her depression as a tool to keep Ruth close. She spends her time poisoning Ruth’s mind against men, telling her that men will bring her nothing but pain. Ruth feels for her mother, but in the back of her mind and heart, she dreams of romance.
One day during a rainstorm, Ruth is waiting under an overhang for the chance to cross the street. A young private by the name of Art Hugenon (Van Johnson) comes up behind her and strikes up a conversation. He’s so full of life and vitality, he’s completely different from anyone Ruth has ever met before. He takes over her parcels, sits by her on the bus, and before she knows what’s going on, he’s invited himself over for dinner, swinging her past the deli so he can pick up some food to add to the table. He sweeps into the apartment like a breath of fresh air, making Ruth laugh and smile for the first time in years, but making Mrs. Wood uncomfortable. It’s plain to see, she wants to keep Ruth close to home and doesn’t like the intrusion of this man.
As the story proceeds, Ruth and Art fall in love, but he’s called to go overseas. He’s killed while there, plunging Ruth into a deep depression, but his spirit returns to give her the comfort she needs.
I liked the story a lot. It was sweet and there was room there for a lot of speculation on the part of the viewer. What I didn’t like, however, was Van Johnson’s performance. He’s generally a good actor, but in this film, he came across as way too chipper at the start, and when he declares his love to Ruth, it’s stilted and forced, not very believable. Maybe he and Jane Wyman had been fighting off screen – I don’t know. But I would have liked to believe that scene a little more.
All in all, this one’s a tearjerker, perfect for days when you just want to immerse yourself in a good cry.
This film was not rated.
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