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Mixing Business With Travel

One of the great things about having your own home – based business or businesses is that you get to decide how much vacation time you get, and when you can take it. While you may not be able to pay yourself for vacation days that you take, you may still be able to make money while you are on vacation by working a little bit during your trip. The bottom line is, how you approach balancing travel and work is completely up to you.

In just a few days, I will be leaving with my family for a road trip of epic proportions. Well, some people may not think that a drive from Vermont to Florida is not exactly epic, but when it involves myself, my husband, our sons (ages three years and seven months), and my parents all packed into one van it very well could be. I have decided to take both of my businesses on the road, so that I can do some work during the ten days that we will be away from home.

Advance planning is important before anyone goes on vacation, but perhaps even more so for the home – based professional. Tonight, I am making a list of the things that I have to do before I leave for vacation so that my businesses will travel with me more easily. For the law office, that means attending a hearing tomorrow, drafting some documents and putting other documents in the mail. For my writing business, I will complete a project for one client before I go, and the other more ongoing projects will come along with me.

Before I leave for vacation, I also plan to make a schedule for my work for the month of November. With this vacation, my son’s third birthday, and Thanksgiving all thrown in there it is shaping up to be a very busy month. It will be totally manageable, though, provided that I plan my work in advance around all of the other fun things that are going on.

Home – based work gives you the freedom to do the things you enjoy, including taking vacations when you want to take them. What kinds of things has your home – based business enables you to do?

Photo by keyseeker on morguefile.com.