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Mixing Politics and Marriage

What a crazy race for the Presidency we’ve got going on with Election ’08, eh? This election more than ever it seems I’m noticing the wives and pondering the dynamics that dwell within certain households. For instance…

The Clintons

Hilary Clinton’s first to mind for a wife it’s impossible not to notice in this election. Hers might be the most unique situation of the race. (Heck, of many races in a long time.) It certainly is one of the most talked about, analyzed, and poked fun at.

Never before has the wife of a former president been a candidate herself. Hilary’s doing pretty darn good. On her own and with a lot of help from her husband. Talk about a husband supporting his wife’s dream, right? He’s really standing by her in every way he can.

Regardless if you’re a Clinton supporter or not, the fact their marriage has weathered as many public storms as it has and they’re still able to pull for each other like they do deserves some recognition.


Another interesting couple who came on my radar within the last few days is Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife Maria Shriver. Why?

Because the Governor of California, who happens to be a Republican, backed John McCain. But his wife? She hails from kin with strong Democratic roots and makes no secret that she still has Democratic sympathies. Something that was reinforced recently when she backed Barack Obama.

I wonder what conversations are like around their dinner table? She certainly supported her husband’s bid for the governorship (even though he was a Republican), but when it comes to a presidential race…that’s different. Especially for them because they are high-profile powerful figures in their own rights and political circles. Do they try to sway each other at all? Or do they respect that they’ll be casting different votes?

Question to Readers

Do you live in one of the Super Tuesday voting states? Did you get out and vote today?

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