You and your kids can make simple mobiles and wind chimes from wire coat hangers and a few other materials.
Start by stretching the rung on the bottom of the coat hanger to make a round shape. Cover the entire hanger with strips of fabric, yarn, or any other material. Tie one end and then begin wrapping it around the hanger until you cover the entire hanger then tie another knot.
String some beads and tie the strings to the round portion of the hanger in random locations. Find or make fun objects to hang from each string. You can cut out designs from craft foam or cardboard, or use pieces of costume jewelry, larger beads, or just about anything else that strikes your fancy. You can also use snapshots. You might even want to purchase tiny lightweight picture frames to dangle from your mobile.
Add another hanger if desired, stretching it into a round shape, but make the circular portion face the opposite direction. Twist the handle so it lines up with the first one and secure them together with wire or pipe cleaners.
Wind Chimes
Instead of bending the coat hanger, leave it as is. Cover it with decorative fabric as described above. Cut strings of different lengths and string them with beads and small bells. Hang two or three strings close together, move over a few inches, and hang a few more strings. Continue do so across the entire bottom rung of the hanger. Add another hanger, turning it to face the other way. Add more strings of beads and bells. Attach to the first hanger as described above.
To make sure the mobile or wind chimes stay where you put them squeeze the hook at the top of the hanger with pliers to make the opening narrower.