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Mobiles – Craft Project Fun

I like to make mobiles with kids because they are such a versatile craft project. You can use just about anything to make one. You can adapt them to fit any room theme, the kid’s favorite character of the week, or a mixture of all the child’s interests.

All mobiles will need string or thread. But what goes on is completely up to you. For sticks you can use wooden dowels, chopsticks, kabob sticks, wire hangers, tinker toy sticks, metal strips from erector sets, or even sticks from the yard. For a miniature version you can even use toothpicks.

The fun part is picking what you hang from the mobile. You can use sea shells, tiny plastic animals, or photographs. Little toys from birthday grab bags are usually bright and colorful. They may make better decoration than toys. You can even print out pictures of those favorite cartoon characters. Charms from the bead section of the craft store work great, too. And don’t forget the beads. Old bits of broken jewelry or Christmas ornaments work fine, too.

Assembling the mobile takes a little patience and practice. Kids get a little impatient at this point. If they do, let them tie strings on the toys or punch holes in the print outs. The hardest part is getting the mobile to balance while not tangling. I like to lay the project flat as I’m tying it together. That way I can make sure that items aren’t going to hit the next level of sticks.

For balance, you may need to shorten the string. Sometimes moving the string closer to the middle of the stick will help, too. You can also add weight to an item by taping on a penny, adding a couple of beads, or putting on a couple of paper clips.

To me, this balancing is fun. I like to have the kids experiment with how different weighted items will influence the balance of the mobile. It’s a great lesson in weights and measurement. And at the end they will have a personalized work of art and science to hang in their room.

Also See:

Mobiles and Wind Chimes

Make a Rainbow Mobile

More Crafts to Decorate Your Child’s Room