A mom in Georgia brought her two twin sons into a McDonald’s. Her sons have autism, and they have a service dog that assists them. One of the managers at the McDonald’s decided to confront the mother about bringing a dog into the McDonald’s, and then proceeded to physically strike this mom.
Jennifer Schwenker did what many parents from all across America typically do. She brought her two, young, twin sons into a McDonald’s for a quick, kid friendly, meal. Her sons have autism and use a service dog, named Barkley, to assist them. In order for service dogs to be helpful, the dog needs to physically be with the child or children that the dog has been trained to assist.
When this mother brought her children’s service dog into the McDonald’s, (which was located in Marietta, Georgia), she was confronted by a manager about bringing the dog into the fast food restaurant. The McDonald’s manager, Tiffany Denise Allen, informed Jennifer Schwenker that the dog was not allowed to be inside the McDonald’s. The manager was off duty at the time, which I assume may have lead to some confusion.
Legally speaking, service animals are allowed to accompany the person, (or, in this case, people), that they are assisting into the buildings that the person needs of wants to enter. There are laws under the Americans with Disabilities Act that require restaurants, stores, and businesses to make their buildings accessible to customers with disabilities and special needs.
The mom explained to the manager that the dog was a service animal which was being used by her two sons because both of them have autism. She offered to show proof that she had a permit for the service dog.
The manager, however, didn’t choose to accept this explanation. Instead, surveillance video that was taken at the McDonald’s restaurant showed that the McDonald’s manager followed this family around the restaurant, and also down the hallway to the restroom. This was when the mom lost track of one of her sons, which caused her to panic, and drop the drink she was holding. The falling beverage sprayed several people, including the irate manager.
Tiffany Denise Allen then chased the mother into the parking lot, where she “allegedly” slapped Jennifer Schwenker in the face. Further survelliance video shows the mom going back into the McDonald’s in an effort to locate her missing son, (whom she found near the restrooms). It also shows several co-workers of the angry McDonald’s manager attempting to physically restrain her from initiating more physical contact with this mom.
Since the incident occurred, McDonald’s has issued a statement that emphasizes their interest in complying with the Americans With Disabilities Act. The manager has been fired, and there is a warrant for her arrest. The mom, and her family, are speaking with a lawyer.
Image by Tim Rhodes on Flickr