Following on from yesterday’s blog entry about packing away the Christmas Disney videos and DVDs, I thought I’d post an update on how it went last night. The short answer is that it didn’t quite go according to plan! I had thought that if the videos and DVDs were missing from the shelf, they wouldn’t notice because they’d be too interested in finding something to watch from what is there. Guess what? Momma’s can be wrong!
Apparently I’m a very mean momma because I’ve taken their “bestest” videos away – and if I really loved them, I wouldn’t have done this. Hmmm, ok, well I can live with that. I don’t cave to emotional blackmail. I explained that these were Christmas videos and DVDs and we don’t watch Holiday things when it’s not near Christmas. Next came the question I had to think about before answering – “Why not? Who says we can’t?” Good point. It’s hard to successfully debate an issue with a 6 year old who has a good grasp of both language and logic!
Of course I could have retreated behind the time honored autocratic parental response of “because I said so!” but I’m trying so hard not to be that kind of mother. They don’t always make it easy – as on this occasion – but most of the time I resist the urge to deliver that line and try explaining things instead. Doesn’t always work of course, but then at least if I have to fall back on “because I said so!” I can take comfort in the fact that I did try something better! Last night I eventually came up with the explanation that Christmas was a special time of year and we did special things then. If we used all the special Christmas things all through the year, then they wouldn’t be special. This was surprisingly enough logic to calm my boys’ ruffled feathers and they decided to watch “Cars” instead – and their Disney Christmas collection remains confined to the attic with the rest of Christmas until the next Holiday season appears on our doorstep!
I’m on a mission to lose weight. Keep up with my journey here Momma’s on a Diet