Motherhood is pure bliss. Like the warm of hot chocolate on a cold morning a baby’s little arms warm your heart. The joy is overwhelming as you prance off with your perfect quiet baby to the park and shopping. Once the day is over you lay your angel down in her crib for her drift off to sleep. Then you head into the living room for a cup of tea and to settle down with your favorite book. Finally you wake up from your dream to a crying fussy teething baby. While motherhood is joyous it is not without its frustration. The pressure to keep your life looking like the cover of Parents magazine is overwhelming. However, we all have done things we are not proud of from the silly to the shameful. Here are some confessions from moms who have experienced the other side of motherhood.
Maternity jeans have become a permanent part of my wardrobe. I will confess that I can relate to that one except in the last few years even those have become too small.
I put the bouncy chair on the table despite the warnings. I have to admit
I have done the same until I actually saw it move as my baby’s bounced.
I was secretly thrilled my baby preferred my husband. Gave me a break after a long day.
I hate the bedtime routine. By the time they go to bed I am exhausted and have no more energy even for a bedtime story.
I never admitted it but I was bored staying at home with a newborn.
Often I would allow my toddler to go to bed without brushing his teeth.
As you can see from mom confessions the days are not always perfect and serene. Being a mom is not an easy job. Just maintain your sense of humor and do your best to get through even on the days you don’t get a shower.
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