A portion of stay at home moms have decided to make the move to start a home business as a means to stay home with the kids and support the home financially. In today’s economy it is becoming increasingly more difficult to live on one income. Even once every sacrifice is made many are coming up short and need another stream of income. Still, there are some moms who simply enjoy working and having a business of their own. Both types face the challenge of fitting in a business into an already busy household routine.
Modify Your Goals: Do not put pressure on yourself to have the next Fortune 500 Company. Think about how much money you would like to generate from your business. Then work toward that goal consistently and diligently. You need not take every opportunity that comes your way. Chose wisely and consider your time and obligations. Remember your business is to support your home not the other way around. If you business can flourish then by all means allow it to grow. However, there is no need to place large amounts of pressure on yourself or your family at this point. Think small and grow consistently and steadily.
Enlist Help: If you have older children who can help out with dishes and laundry then use them for those chores. I have my two older children do the dinner dishes all week long. About two nights a month I will have one child help the younger two get ready for bed while the other is cleaning the kitchen. I use that nugget of time to meet a deadline or so I do not have to be up late completing tasks. If you do not have older children capable of household chores then ask your husband for added help or have grandma take the kids for an afternoon.
Plan Strategic Office Hours: Plan your office hours early in the morning, during naptime or late at night. I have office hours before I start homeschooling, during independent reading/quiet time, and again after they go to bed. If I add it all up it gives me a nice chunk of time that I am working. I clean while I teach or we clean as a group.
Once you get your routine going to the beat of your family’s drum you will find fitting it all in will work. It may not be easy and your days may be packed but if you keep a thankful heart and your family as a priority you will succeed.