You know money is an issue in your marriage when your husband:
- Gives you a credit card instead of a birthday card.
- Signs you up couples accounting and insists it’s just a way for the two of you to spend more time together
- Challenges you to a game of balance the checkbook bingo – if you can make the numbers work, he’ll let you go shopping
- Gives you a set of 25 lb free weights and suggests that every time you want to exercise the credit options, you have to exercise your arms first
- Throws out the sale papers before the newspaper even makes it into the house
- Tells you that in exchange for your giving up a shopping habit, he can hire a maid, a butler and a chauffer and still save money
- Asks for nothing on credit on his Christmas wish list
- Makes fiscal responsibility a family New Year’s Resolution
- Throws money out of the moving window of the car traveling at 55 mph to illustrate a point
You know money is an issue in your marriage when your wife:
- Suggests how you can cut back on all the sports channels and save enough money to pay for the new sofa she wants
- Says no to all impulse shopping, but only buys exactly what is on the list – whether at Tiffany’s or the Grocery Store
- Works out the math to show you how much you save if you let her buy what she wants on sale rather than the retail price
- Puts everyone on an allowance so she can save up for the new fall fashions when they come out
- Equates clearing out any items of yours in the closet that you haven’t worn or looked at in the last month to make space for her shoes
- Sees empty wall space and is compelled to buy pictures or picture frames to fill it up
- Counts the empty hangers to determine how many new outfits she can buy
- Uses the watchword frugal on all of the joint shopping trips, so she can save up money for her solo expeditions
I feel compelled to state at this point that the above is rather fictitious in nature and is in no way reflective of any person currently living. Although, I can certainly cite points in my life where any or all of the above could have been true!
Have a great Friday.