Conserving water and energy are two good ways to save money around the house. Get the whole family involved in the process, for even greater savings. Teach children these things at a young age and they will continue these habits for a lifetime.
When Not in Use…
If you have heard the saying, “when not in use, turn off the juice,” take it to heart. One light left on when no one is using it can make a difference in energy costs, especially in a year’s time. Start a little game in your home and any time someone leaves a light (or anything else) on when he or she isn’t using it, have that person put a penny in the pot. Start a special jar to collect the pennies. See how many you have at the end of the month. Remove the pennies and start fresh the next month. You will probably have far fewer pennies the second time around. Give the pennies to your kids for their piggy banks as a reward.
Drip, Drip, Drip
Did you know that a leaking faucet, at just one drip every two seconds, could add up to as much as 100 gallons of wasted water in a month’s time? It can, so it pays to repair those leaking faucets. Sometimes, it’s as simple as adding a washer or tightening up the faucet.
Bath or Shower?
Which uses the most gallons of water, taking a bath or taking a shower? You might be surprised to learn that taking a bath can use twice as much water as taking a shower. While you probably don’t put your youngest children in the shower on their own, you can simply stand or sit your child in the tub with the water running at half pressure, and wash him or her then rinse. Consider purchasing a hose with a showerhead that can be attached to the faucet so you can control the flow of the water. If your child likes to play in the tub, set aside one night a week for a bath with toys and use this “shower” method for regular bathing.