With the explosion of online stock photo websites, hordes of avid shutterbugs are turning to the Internet to make money from their favorite shots. So how much can an amateur photographer make by selling pictures to stock photo sites?
A decade ago you could easily determine how much a single image would net thanks to price charts and standardized quotes. However, these days traditional price charts are no longer as reliable as they used to be, which makes it nearly impossible to calculate potential revenue from your best pics.
In today’s market your best option is to set a price you can live with, and throw it out there. If your prices are too high, you’ll know by the number of hits you get, or don’t get. When devising a price guide consider the major components of your photos, such as size, subject and cost of production. You can also charge based on placement, circulation and length of display time.
In most cases there will be times where negotiating price will come into play. If you are well established in the industry, then you will garner a higher fee for your snapshots. However, you can still make a pretty penny on your images if you deliver what the client wants. Determining what’s important to a potential buyer before you start negotiating will allow you to establish a fair asking price.
Another option is to turn to software specially designed to help set prices, such as FotoQuote. The well-respected and highly desirable computer program features comprehensive tools, which allow you to select the usage time frame and photo size requested, along with several other factors that help insure that you get paid fairly for your work. In addition, the program helps you determine fair image license fees and provides amazing tips on how to negotiate a sale.
Once you know how to negotiate fair prices for your prized photos, then you’ll be well on your way to turning your passion into profit.
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