This week there are several great articles about investing and making the most of your money. You can also learn some basic tips about budgeting and long-term planning.
Paying Off Loans gives guidelines for organizing your loans to pay them off more quickly. This article discusses several factors to consider aside from just the interest rate on the loan.
Are You Eating Up Your Budget? discusses how much money you really end up spending on food. It gives a few suggestions on how to save both time and money when it comes to food.
The True Value of College discusses how to spend the right amount on your college education. This article points out the benefits of a college education, but it also gives advice on planning when and how to go.
Do You Owe More Than Your Annual Salary? gives advice and encouragement of ways to get out of debt when the numbers just seem overwhelming. It is important to acknowledge the little changes and accomplishments and to stay focused until you achieve your goal.
Index Funds explains what an index fund and the advantages of investing in one. This article also emphasizes the importance of choosing your funds carefully.
Take a Class in Financial Planning encourages you to enroll in a class so that you can better understand financial planning. This article talks about what to look in a good class and financial planner.
Are You Experiencing Budget Burnout? gives advice on how to make it through those times when you just do not want to budget. This article also emphasizes the importance of teamwork when it comes to budgeting.
Are You Spending Too Much on Extracurricular Activities? encourages you to look at how much those activities are really costing you and your family. This article encourages you to look at the big picture in regards to finances and these extra activities.