We have covered several topics in the last few weeks. There are a wide variety of articles available to help you.
Favorite Money Savings Tips shares five easy ways to save money. This article covers everything from groceries to gas.
You can learn to make the most of your credit cards in Negotiating Credit Card Rewards. Debbie offers some great tips to help you ear better rewards.
Have You Considered Downsizing? discusses the changes that you may make in order to live comfortably both now and in the future. This article focuses on why you may change and specific areas to change.
Understanding Interest Rates explains the different ways that interest rates affect you. Debbie gives three scenarios and explains the best way to use interest to your advantage.
Are You Consistently Overspending in One Category? gives tips on how to deal with this problem. You may need to cut back your spending or adjust your budget, this article contains questions that will help you address this issue.
Envelopes Budget gives a basic explanation on how to use this budgeting system. This is great if you hate tracking what you spend each month.
Do Your Spending Habits Match Your Financial Priorities? helps you to evaluate your spending habits. This article can help you to stay focused on your financial goals.
Affordable Car Insurance Quotes Online offers tips on advice on how to get quotes safely online. This article can help you save some money!
Save Money on your Health Insurance explains the different options available to you. It also gives advice on how to choose the right option for you and your family.
Teens Saving Money gives five tips on how to motivate your teens to save money. It also talks briefly about teens spending habits.
Parent Bank is about teaching your children how a bank works. This article gives great ideas about teaching your children to budget and balance an account.
Budgets and Diets compares budgeting to dieting. Debbie gives some great tips on finding a budget that fits your needs.
Do You Need a Budget If You Are Not Strapped for Cash? discusses the benefits of budgeting. It discusses long-term goals as well.
Dealing With Sudden Windfalls gives five tips on how to use unexpected money. This advice will help you make the most of this nice surprise.
Should We Force Our Kids to Save? discusses the issues that come with teaching your children to save money. Debbie offers a good compromise to make with your children.
Does Your Budget Make You Feel Poor? gives four tips on how to budget without doing without. This article can help you change your attitude about your budget.
Do You Have a Will? encourages us to take the important step of planning for emergencies.
Do You Wish You Had a Personal Accountant? gives easy tips on how to make your managing your money take less time. These ideas can help relieve the stress surrounding your money.
Money Savings Tips for Weddings shares five ways to save money on the big event. Debbie offers some unique suggestions.
Are You Considering Borrowing from Your 401K? explains the risks and benefits of using this money. It is important to carefully consider your other options as well.
Selling Your Home offers some tip on how to make as much as you can when selling your house. Debbie offers suggestions on ways to save money on the commission.
Transition from Two Incomes to One gives advice on how to make this transition smooth. Debbie addresses specific expenses that will change with this transition.
Time is Money talks about the value of your time versus how much money you spend and save. This article can help you evaluate the activities that you are doing.
Money is Power discusses the power that money has over people. It also talks about the power that it gives people. This is an interesting read.