First I would like to extend a warm welcome to our new money blogger Debbie Vasen. I know that you will enjoy reading her insights on family finances. She has introduced herself in Why Trust a New Money Blogger?
You learn more about how to include your family in your money decisions in Family Money.
Comparing the Value of Your Things to Your Time helps you gain an additional perspective on what your spending your money and your time on.
Money Decisions and Marriage discuss the importance of including both spouses in the financial decisions and balancing the tasks between the two of you.
Why Do You Spend or Save? addresses the emotional reasons that affect the way that you manage your money.
Why Is Talking About Money Taboo? addresses the societal reasons that people are uncomfortable sharing information about their finances.
Is Your Graduate Ready to Make Financial Decisions? reviews five things that you should review with your children.
What Motivates You to Manage Your Money? helps to give perspective on why it is important to manage your finances.
Can You Choose How Expensive It Will Be to Raise Your Child? addresses how much you need to provide for your children, and how to afford it.
Changing Expectations discusses the importance of having realistic expectations in regards to your finances.
Involving Your Kids in Your Finances discusses easy ways to help your children learn about managing money.
Overwhelmed by Your Finances? offers encouraging words on beginning the process of taking control of your financial future.
Family and Money gives tips on how to deal with money issues with your extended family.
Budget Categories reminds you to include the little things in your budget as well.
Is It Better to Buy Top Quality Items or to Save Money? discusses the pros and cons of choosing higher quality items versus buying adequate less expensive items.
Budgeting Time Savers gives you five tips on ways to cut down the amount of time you spend worrying about your money.