Whenever you see a great price on an item or a gift with purchase, keep in mind that these are advertising methods to help businesses make money. While they can be good for the business, they may not be so good for your pocketbook. In Miriam’s article this week she asks us, just How Much Are You Paying for the Perks? Whether it be a luxury item or a special offer, it is important to ask yourself some of these important questions.
We would like to sit back and say money is all about math and numbers. But the reality is that money is a far deeper concept in our lives than that. In Budgeting Is Emotional, Miriam challenges us all to think closely about why we have trouble budgeting.
So, have you started to receive those charity offers in the mail? At church? On your doorstep? This is the season for Charity Giving and these organizations know it. Good or bad, read Debbie’s blog this week for some basic advice on how to make the most of your donations.
Is it those little purchases that hold you back from balancing your budget? Do they also drive you nuts? Read Tracking Small Purchases for some practical tips from Miriam on just how to make those little amounts line up.
What are your favorite Money Tricks and Treats? Join in and offer up some along with Debbie’s suggestions on a holiday known for fun.
Should you try and balance your budget with special billing services? Well, Miriam warns us all to Beware of Budget Billing and always be sure you really read all the fine print.
Half of paying for the cost of college is saving for it; the other half is finding tricks to cut the expense. Read Debbie’s tips in Cut the Cost of College to help your college savings plans get more for their money!