Sometimes it can be hard to save money. Perhaps you just don’t have enough coming in, or maybe it is difficult to figure out where to cut your budget. Large or long-term financial goals can also seem quite intimidating. We are saving for a large trip right now, and if I looked at the amount I need to save, I think that I’d quit. Instead, I’ve made a savings plan and I’m sticking to it, and the money is gradually adding up.
Large financial goals are where moonlighting can come in. Whether you’re saving for a home renovation or a piece of fine art, making a little extra dedicated money every month really helps. This money is on top of your existing budget, and it should be untouchable. Create a separate account for your moonlighting money, preferably one that is in a bank that is hard for you to access.
What can you do to moonlight? Well, a paper route, dog sitting, occasional child care, or whatever hobby or craft skill you have can often become a moonlighting career. After all, you don’t need to make thousands every month at this. You just need to make enough to fulfill your financial goal, and then you can stop.
Make sure that moonlighting fits well into your life. If you are with your children during the day, find something that can be done in bits and pieces or while your children sleep. Maybe you can do something that involves your children as well. If you find that moonlighting is impacting your life too much, cut down or switch ideas: while meeting a financial goal is worth some hardship, you don’t want it to dominate your life either.
You may find that after you reach your financial goal, you enjoy having this ability. Perhaps this could be the beginning of a beautiful small business opportunity. You never know. As long as it fits well within your life, moonlighting is an excellent way to achieve your financial goals.