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Moose and Lally’s New Year’s Resolutions

With 2008 just a few days away, the dogs and I sat down to work on our New Year’s resolutions.

Moose’s New Years Resolutions

  • Moose resolves to stay out of traffic. For the rest of his life. He’s been pretty good since he got hit by a car back in June, but sometimes in the apartment complex parking lot, he has a bad habit of straying into the middle of the road between spots.
  • Moose resolves to lose more weight. When we moved west in May, Moose weighed more than 100 pounds. His ideal weight is closer to 75. Slowly but surely — with all the extra walking and a lot less people food in his diet — the weight has been coming off. Will 2008 be the year Moose hits his goal? I hope so, but we’re not in a rush. I’d rather have a slow, steady, and healthy weight loss.

Lally’s New Years Resolutions

Aimee’s New Years Resolutions

  • I resolve to get a longer coat — maybe one that reaches my knees — so I can have the protection for longer walks in the rain. Right now, I’ve got a nice, warm, waterproof jacket, but it only hits my waist. I often come home from walks wet and muddy to the knees!
  • I resolve to take the dogs to the park more. We have a great fenced-in dog park less than a mile from the apartment. It’s hard to work up the desire to go when it’s wet and muddy, but on those days when the sun pokes through the clouds, we should hop in the car and go.

Which reminds me of one last resolution: I resolve to be better about vacuuming the dog hair out of the car for those times I have human riders, too!