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More about Donorschoose.org

Previously, I described my excitement by finding the site Donorschoose.org. Because it is so hard for teachers to find extra money for special classroom projects, this site was a really good find!

Presently, I do not have a project that needs to be entered on the site for funding. However, when one arises I will certainly consider the site if money is needed.

Of course, the site was founded by teachers. It began in 2000. A group of Bronx public school teachers had a great need for extra funding. The site helped create a connection between the teachers with need and the general public who were willing to give.

On the site, the teachers list their percentage of poverty students. This number is found by examining the percent of students who receive free and reduced lunches at school. I do not think that a certain percentage is a requirement for placing a need on the site. Some of the percentages I saw were rather low. However I think that by listing the percentage, the donors get a real eye opening experience of what struggles the teacher may be facing when it comes to money. When the general population of an area is lacking in everyday living expenses they cannot give to the schools or the community.

The site makes it easy to search and find particular areas of need. For example if a science buff is wanting to support a science project, he or she can search by the subject. The needs can also be searched and divided by grade level.

I noticed several different types of student projects listed. They ranged from everything to a large carpet for kindergarten classrooms to huge science projects to technology needs.

I am so thrilled about sharing this site with coworkers when school is back in session.

I have also been so excited about how this site works that I cannot possibly share everything with you in only two articles. I will follow-up in my next article with details about how the teacher and the students benefit and how the site continues to survive.

Concern of Public Education- Funding

What it Takes to be a Teacher

Are Teachers Overpaid