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More about Relating to Your Man

I left off a discussion in which we were discussing how women relate to their men. In that discussion I described how some women are completely accepting of their man because his positive aspects outweigh his negatives. I also talked about how some women are very rejectful toward their husbands and how this can lead to marriage dissolvement.

Some women combine the two above together and simply tolerate their man. Half of the time they accept him and his faults. The other half they reject him. This juggling back and forth between the two can leave both of you in an uproar all of the time. There will be mood swings from one to the other and he will never know what to expect from you. When will you be accepting and when will you be rejecting?

Tolerating each other is no way to live in a marriage. There must be some defined lines on what is acceptable and what is not. Riding the fence and teeter totting back and forth cannot keep a marriage going for very long. When you tolerate an action without accepting it or rejecting it you are not being true to yourself. Eventually the feelings will catch up with you. You are not saving your spouse any pain by tolerating an action that you feel needs rejection. If you are not at peace with the situation then it deserves to be discussed.

Happy marriages can only survive under terms of accepting him as he is in that he has your required qualities or reject him cleanly for the things that you do not like. However tolerating and attempting to change him typically always fail. Lectures, arguments, criticizing, and putting down never help. Nor does hiding your true feelings.

Things to Talk About

Personality Differences

Do Men Think about Marriage Enrichment?