Quite awhile back I wrote an article on Frugal Uses for Baking Soda, which was a follow up to Marily’s article on Baking Soda: Another Versatile Product for your home. Here I am again to give you some great NEW ideas to use up that baking soda, that you are possibly stockpiling!
Baking soda is one of those products, that has to be one of the most versatile you can have in your home, with literally dozens of uses.
In addition to those mentioned in the previous articles, here are a few new ones to try:
Spaghetti Stains
You know how those plastic containers have that orange tint after you’ve kept something with red sauce in them? And how the pot has this wonderful orange film on it after cooking up a big pot of spaghetti? Well try a little baking soda. Just mix it up with some warm water. Let it soak overnight. Be sure to stir it up a few times before bed, and then again first thing in the morning. By the next morning you should be able to wipe the orange right out of the container. It’s worked for almost all of mine.
Non Abrasive Cleanser
This works on almost anything that requires a non abrasive cleanser. Porcelain appliances and dishes, fine china, stainless steel and aluminum are just a few of the items you can use this cleaner on.
Drains – Blockages and Odors
You can keep your drains flowing smoothly by dumping a half box of baking soda followed with a half cup of vinegar down the drain. After the bubbling that you see subsides, run hot water down the drain. This helps keep the drains running smoothly, and odors from building up. It’s easy and cheap!
Smelly Stuff?
Try using a sprinkle of baking soda in a gym bag or laundry basket or bag to help reduce the odors from dirty clothing. This of course also works on odors from shoes . You can also use it in the kitty’s litter box, as many litters come infused with some already.
Fire! Fire!
Baking soda is a very cheap and handy alternative to an actual fire extinguisher in the case of a small grease or electrical fire. Please note that I did say, SMALL. Not medium or large. Just throw some on and typically the fire is out in seconds.
Stain Remover
This actually worked for me on a shirt that had some kind of mystery stain that I really thought might be some type of oil! Make a paste of the baking soda with some water, and apply to oil, grease or perspiration stains. Rub it in and allow it to set for a short period of time. Drop in the washer and launder as usual. When it comes out, the stain is gone! For stubborn stains, repeat process.
Watch the frugal blog for another great article coming soon with additional uses for this little wonder product!!