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More Courses Starting in October From Family Tree University

laptop October is a good time to take an online genealogy course. The kids are back in school, and this gives some parents a little free time during the day. The craziness of the holiday season hasn’t started yet. Yesterday, I blogged about some of the genealogy courses that Family Tree University is offering in October. Here are some more that will be starting soon.

First Steps: Using Birth Records” will begin on October 1, 2012, and will end on October 14, 2012. This tuition for this short course is $39.99. This is part of Family Tree University’s “First Steps” series of courses for beginning genealogists. Learn how to find, analyze, and cite birth records for your United States ancestors.

Immediately following that course is one called “First Steps: Using Census Records”. It will start on October 15, 2012, and end on October 28, 2012. The tuition for this course is $39.99. This is part of the “First Steps” series of courses for beginning genealogists. Learn how to find, analyze, and cite census records for your United States ancestors.

First Steps: Using Death Records” has two different starting and ending dates. One will begin on October 1, 2012, and will end on October 14, 2012. The other will begin on October 29, 2012, and end on November 11, 2012. The tuition for either one is $39.99. This is part of the “First Steps” series for beginning genealogists. Learn how to find, analyze, and cite death records for your United States ancestors.

First Steps: Using Marriage and Divorce Records” will begin on October 15, 2012, and end on October 28, 2012. The tuition will be $39.99. This is another course in their “First Steps” series for beginning genealogists. Learn how to find, analyze, and cite marriage and divorce records for your United States ancestors.

Google Earth for Genealogists: Plot Your Ancestors Lives” will start on October 1, 2012, and will end on October 28, 2012. The tuition for this course is $99.99. In this course, genealogists will use Google Earth, a free software program, to search for locations that their relatives and ancestors lived. It is a way to do some virtual genealogy travel.

As I said in the previous blog about the October courses from Family Tree University, these are just a few of what is being offered. Interested genealogists will find plenty of other courses, on a wide variety of genealogy topics, that you can sign up for right now.

Image by Robin Elizabeth on Flickr