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More Craziness after Break-ups

In my last article I began a discussion about breaking up and heart breaks and the crazy things that may follow them. In an earlier article I asked you to describe some of the craziest things that you have ever done for love or out of love for another person.

In these couple of articles I am turning the attention toward the other end of the relationship. What are some things that you have done out of heart break or anger after a relationship spilt up?

I began by listing a couple of things that have been told or talked about people doing out of anger toward the other person. Remember that violence or property damage should never be carried out and is always regretted later. The best idea is to calm down before reacting to the break up.

Acts of desperation:
These acts are carried out by those who still long for the relationship and are looking for reconciliation.

Have you ever driven by your ex mate’s home or work over and over again to ensure that he is there (and alone)?

Have you ever followed your ex on a date to get a look at who he is with? (Be cautious of stalking laws!)

Have you ever hired a private detective to follow your ex mate and get the low down on him?

Have you ever called him and hung up just to see if he was at home?

Acts of revenge:
Have you ever purposely planned to show up with a date at a place where you know he will see you?

Have you ever begun a relationship with one of his friends just to get back at him?

Have you ever changed your looks (hair color, lost weight, suntanned) just to make him wish he had you back?

Relationship Issues

Relationship Dynamics

The Biggest Challenges to Marriage