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More Elliot Books by Andrea Beck

I can’t help it – I fell in love with Elliot while blogging about him last year, and when I found these other Elliot books, I just had to snatch them up. He’s just the cutest little stuffed moose!

In “Elliot Bakes a Cake,” we find Elliot getting ready to bake a cake for Lionel the stuffed lion’s birthday. All the other toys want to help out too, but there’s just one problem! None of them have ever baked a cake before, and they aren’t even sure what some of the cooking terms mean. Finally they get their batter put in the oven, but they aren’t sure how long to bake it, and it gets burned. But Elliot has an idea. They scrape off the burned parts and frost it, using lots of icing and jam. It turns out to be the best cake ever, and the recipe is included in the back of the book. (This book was published in 1999 by Kids Can Press.)

Elliot’s Noisy Night” tells us about a concern our little moose has. Last night, he kept hearing strange noises, and now it’s almost time to go to bed again. He doesn’t want to hear the noises anymore, and he’s getting nervous. None of the other toys seem to know what was making the noises, and finally Elliot goes to see Beaverton, who helps him realize it’s just the fridge. But all through the night, his friends come and climb in bed with him – that fridge sure can be scary! It was the biggest slumber party ever. (This book was published in 2002 by Kids Can Press.)

Oh, no! “Elliot Gets Stuck!” How does he do that? Well, he’s excited to go outside and play, and he can’t quite reach the doorknob. He decides that he’ll try to go out through the letter slot, but he’s just a little too plump for that. All the other toys try to pull him out, but it just doesn’t work. Finally Elliot tries twisting to the side, and pop!! Out he comes, and now everyone can go outside to play. (This book was published in 2002 by Kids Can Press.)

Our last Elliot selection for the day is “Elliot’s Emergency.” Elliot and Socks are going exploring. They’re going to go all over the house and they’re planning to be gone overnight. But as they’re getting ready to head out, one of Elliot’s seams comes undone. His friends all try to help him, with tape and glue, safety pins and bandages, but it’s not until they get Beaverton that the real solution is presented – they should sew his seam back up. Beaverton shows Elliot how to sew just in case he ever needs to do it again. The exploring trip was postponed, but only by one day – tomorrow, Socks and Elliot are heading out again. (This book was published in 1998 by Kids Can Press.)

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