I’m not the type to get something just because it’s free, but I’m constantly amazed at the things companies give away that are actually useful! Here are a few worth getting:
Spider Identification Chart – I don’t really mind most spiders. They’re pretty useful at keeping the bug population down. We have “house spiders” that are big, ugly, and hairy. We named them “house spiders” so the kids wouldn’t be afraid of them. Didn’t work perfectly, although it seemed to calm the adults! We leave the Daddy Long-Legs where they are (aka “Fred Spiders”; I don’t know why); the rest we catch in deep cups and toss outside. The exception to this is black widows. I stomp them. I’m looking forward to getting the chart to see if we can identify some of the more common ones around here.
Sippy Cup compliments of Juicy Juice – Do you have a toddler at home? If so, Juicy Juice will send you a free sippy cup when you sign up for their newsletter. We don’t have any little kids at home anymore (waaaah!), but we still like Juicy Juice. I like the cherry. We don’t do “high fructose corn syrup” when we can avoid it, and it seems like almost everything is chock full of it, so I feel really good about buying Juicy Juice. Of course, because I’m a frugal mama, we dilute it like crazy! It’s delicious at any concentration.
Free Rhino T-Shirt – Last weekend, the boys and I spent ten hours straight chopping wood for a Boy Scout fundraiser. It’s hard work, but good for the body and for the soul. Before the wood could be split, it had to be cut down with a chain saw and then further cut into manageable portions. This was the first time I had been with a logging crew, rag-tag as we were, but I found it fascinating. There’s a lot of math and biology that go into selecting the trees and the cuts. If your chainsaw gets a decent amount of use or if you’re into construction, Rhino has specialty blades for it. For ordering a catalog, they’ll send you a free Rhino t-shirt. Please take advantage of this offer if there’s any chance you’ll order from them; otherwise, leave the shirts for people who might actually become their customers.
Related Blog: Friday Freebies