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More fun stunts

Here are some more fun stunts you can do at a party, or any time. They can be a lot of fun at a kid’s party in which you’ve run out of regular activities. They’re also fun for adults to attempt.

Chinese Get Up
Two people sit on the floor back to back with their arms locked. They stay in this position as much as possible while trying to stand upright together.

Jug Handle
One person places his hands across the chest, with the tips of the middle fingers touching and the elbows extending on each side like a jug handle. Another player tries to pull the arms apart, either by working at them separately or together. Jerking isn’t permissible; the pull must be steady.

What’s surprising about this game is how hard it can actually be to break the arms apart, even if the player trying to “break the handle” is much stronger than the other player.

Pick up and Push Up
This is an interesting game because women are supposed to be better at than men, because of the way our bodies are constructed. Draw a line about two feet from a wall, which the performer puts his or her toes against, facing the wall. Place a stool or chair between the line and the wall. The player leans forward, putting the top of his or her head against the wall, picks up the stool, and pushes backward to an upright position while lifting the stool.

Kneel the line
Mark a line on the floor. The performer stands with his toes on the line, and without using his hands or moving his feet, kneels down and gets back up again.

This one, like Pick up and Push Up, sounds really easy, until you actually try it.

The left foot and leg and left cheek are placed close against the wall. The right foot is then slightly lifted in an effort to touch the left knee. After reaching it, try to stay in this position as long as possible.