Today I woke up knowing that I had to do some freezer cooking. Remember all of that inexpensive ham I have been telling you about? Well, it was time turn the last ham deals into some freezer meals.
I’m still in the process of finishing up actually. In the oven now, excuse me when the timer beeps, are the second batch of ham and cheese hot pockets. These will be great for quick out-the-door lunches or take-to-work lunches. I tried a new dough recipe this time. The previous one, using bread flour and a pizza dough recipe seemed to make for far too much rise in the bread. This current recipe looks like it will product nice crusty bread for the hot pockets.
Already in the freezer are three batches of ham slices. All we will need to do on dinner day is to reheat them in the oven and add a side dish or two.
I’ve also assembled a crockpot meal of BBQ “pork” (ham of course). It is sitting in the refrigerator. I’ll probably throw it in the heating element tomorrow for a few hours and then serve it over kaiser rolls for tomorrow’s dinner. I already have a coupon for $5 off at the bakery section of our grocery store. I could also make this meal tomorrow and freeze it along with the rolls in a separate bag.
I have one more meal to make: a ham and pineapple casserole. The weather is so beautiful out, so I may just assemble this tonight after dark, or sometime tomorrow morning. Any ham leftover after that will get cubed and frozen for use in future recipes.
After this batch of ham freezer melas, I have to say that I think I am done with ham for a while. I hardly want to look at it. Well, that will have to be after tonight’s dinner of ham slices, buttermilk biscuits (bought ridiculously cheap last week), freezer mashed potatoes and steamed green beans.
You can read more blog posts by Mary Ann Romans here!
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