Take a minute to laugh reading these funny jokes about frugal living and money.
A frugal businessman
A businessman walked into a bank in New York City and asked to see the loan officer. He told the loan officer that he was going out of town for two weeks and needed a $5,000 loan.
The loan officer told the business man that there had to be some type of insurance on the loan. One option was to offer up some collateral. The businessman said he had a Rolls Royce parked outside that he could offer as collateral. The bank employees checked out the vehicle and parked it in the bank’s underground garage.
The businessman returned two weeks later to pay back the loan and retrieve his car. He paid back the $5,000 and the interest which totaled about $15. While he was away, the bank was able to check his account status. They noticed he had millions of dollars in the bank. One employee asked him why he would need a $5,000 loan. The businessman replied, “Where else in New York City can I park my car for two weeks for $15?”
Teaching your kids about money:
The parents of a Northwestern student who just headed back from winter holiday received this letter:
Dear Mom and Dad,
Univer$ity life i$ $o great! Cla$$e$ this $e$$ion are intere$ting, my cla$$mate$ are the be$t!
But after $pending everything on pre$ent$ for you and mom, it would be awe$ome to have a little more ca$h for book$ and $tuff.
Your $on
After some thought, this is the letter that his parents sent back:
Dear Son,
NOt much to NOtice here on the NOrth side of town since you left for NOrthwestern. NObody doing NOthing Noble.
Enjoyed having you home for Thanksgiving in NOvember and Christmas. NOthing is the same since you left.
Loved your NOte; write aNOther one when you have time.
Have to go NOw.
Mom & Dad
One way to earn money:
After 40 years of hard work, a man retired with $9,000,000, which he had gained through courage, diligence, initiative, skill, devotion to duty, thrift, efficiency, shrewd investment, and the death of an uncle who left him $8,999,999.50.
Be mindful of where your money is:
A certain man put up a tremendous fight to two thugs who were mugging him. Eventually, though, they took his wallet only to find twenty dollars inside. They asked him, “Why did you fight over twenty bucks?” He replied, “I was afraid you’d find the $300 hidden in my shoe!”