With my daughter’s increased crawling abilities, also came several other mobile developments. First came the easy transition from crawling to sitting. She would crawl across the room to retrieve a toy and then sit back to play with it. Then something new would catch her attention and she would be off again to get the next thing. She very quickly learned to manipulate her body to get access to a number of things that would catch her eye. Soon she was sitting, kneeling, crawling, and sometimes even walk crawling (on her hands and feet) especially when she was on a more slippery, hard, or cold surface (like tile). Once again without any warning, she gained the confidence and balance to stand while using anything and everything as a balance. Then the real rampage began. She would crawl over to something a little bit out of her reach, pull herself up to a standing position, grab the item she wanted, and then she would sit down to play with it (which always involved going into her mouth). Most things she grabs are in fact not toys but books or spoons (left lying around by her brother) or whatever else happens to be in her reach. In a matter of minutes (sometimes seconds) she is on to the next thing. If standing and grabbing things down from a modest height was not enough, within days of pulling herself up for the first time, she started walking along and around other objects of modest height; making her efficiency even more extreme than it was before. With all these mobile skills combined, this very small child can make a huge mess in the blink of an eye. When she teams up with her older brother, our house is in complete disarray in minutes (at least they get along)! Once this little girl starts walking … well all I can say is that I will be getting even more exercise! For now I will just enjoy my more mobile but non walking baby while I can!