With all the newspapers we wind up with, from the weekly city post to the smaller community papers, it seems like they stack up fast. We use our newspapers to wrap up breakable items for packing or even shipping out. Newspaper also makes a great packing material for sending fragile items through the mail, or keeping items from shipping around. But what else is it good for?
Line Your Veggie Drawer
Place a piece of newspaper in the bottom of your vegetable drawer in your refrigerator. It will help absorb moisture, keeping your veggies dry and fresh much longer. It also keeps odors at bay and keeps strong veggies (like onion and eggplant) from transferring their odor (and subsequent taste) onto other veggies.
Wrap Presents
An oldie but goody use for newspapers is to use them to wrap presents. I’ve seen this done a lot, but nowadays they seem to be getting more creative. Paint the newspaper, decorate it with embellishments or leave it as is. Whatever you do, its sure to be a hit.
Drop your Muddy or Wet Shoes
Place several pieces of newspaper by the door during those wet cold months, and have snow boots or other shoes dropped. The newspaper will keep it from spreading all over the house and speed up the drying process. Same thing works for muddy shoes or boots. Keeps them from being tracked all over the house, as well as keeping your rug clean.
In the Garden
Newspapers are helpful for gardeners in several ways, but here are my two favorites. Using two sections of damp newspaper, germinate seeds between the two pieces. Place in a warm place and you’ll see it working in no time at all. You can also use newspaper to help prepare for a garden area or flower bed. When the seasons change, and it’s getting a bit colder, Autumn time usually, mow a patch of lawn in the size that you desire to create a garden in. Cover your patch with several layers of newspaper – three or four. Then cover with shredded leaves and get it nice and wet. When springtime arrives, the compost blanket of newspaper you created will have killed the grass and the bed will be already for planting.
Pet Bedding
Newspaper makes great animal bedding. It’s warm and resists bacteria. If the pet decides to eat it, its non-toxic which is the most important part.
What do you do with all your newspapers?
Also see: Frugal Uses for Newspapers