There are so many wonderful uses for empty soda bottles. You can save money by using the bottles that you already own instead of spending money buying something new. (Or if you don’t drink soda, ask for some empty bottles from a friend.)
In yesterday’s article, New Uses for Old Soda Bottles, I shared some basic ideas on using the empty bottles to save on boots, heating pads and water. Now here are some more creative ideas and ways to use empty soda bottles and be frugal.
Custom bag dispenser.
You are saving your plastic grocery bags, aren’t you? Well, all of those bags can get out of control pretty quickly. In fact, there are many manufacturers out there that make plastic bag dispensers. But, I can’t justify buying something to contain the plastic bags I save; spending money to be frugal. That sort of defeats the purpose of saving the bags, doesn’t it?
Fortunately, an empty soda bottle easily comes to the rescue. To make a dispenser, cut off the bottom and top ends of the empty soda bottle. Place it upside down and mount it to the inside of a kitchen cabinet, a closet or the wall of the garage, wherever you need to have your bags handy. You can use screws to mount your holder, placing washers between the hole and the screw (just under the head of the screw) to keep the screws from pulling out of the plastic. Fill it with your plastic grocery bags. When you need a bag, simply pull one out.
You can make a dispenser for string or cord the same way. Just leave the top of the bottle intact and feed the cord down through the neck for easy dispensing.
A dog toy.
Dogs love to chew and play with empty soda bottles. There is just something about them. If you want to give your dog a new toy, there are a few safety precautions. First, remove the label, the plastic cap and the plastic ring around the neck of the bottle. Next, keep a close eye on the bottle. If your dog actually chews through the plastic (not too easy to do, since the bottle tends to roll away), remove it immediately. You don’t want your doggie getting cut on any edges.
How do you reuse your empty soda bottles?
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