Continuing with our recent discussion about weight loss and pastries, I came across a list of some of my favorites that also had the amount of fat in each. This could be important information if you keep close tabs on the fat and calories you eat in your weight loss program. For example, a Danish-style pastry (serving size 2.5 ounces) with cheese has 16 grams of fat, while plain Danish has 12 grams of fat. In addition, a strawberry Danish shows 12 grams of fat, while the apple Danish has 13 grams.
One of the factors I did not think about at first when I was considering pastries was how much water we are supposed to have each day. We have all read and heard about drinking as much as three quarts of water each day or something like eight glasses of water. To me, this seems like a lot of water and most of us probably do not drink nearly this much. However, nutritionists and doctors often say that a lot of water is necessary for the body to improve liver function and hormone function.
There are also added benefits related to weight loss that come with drinking a lot of water daily. Having the right amount of water in our bodies increases the metabolism and helps our body use fat for energy. This can be handy information when we think about eating some of the baked goods we all enjoy but here is another little fact that makes perfect sense. Drinking plenty of water each day means that there is less room for those delicious pastries. This may not seem like the best reason to drink a lot of water but it is a good reason.
It is very easy to find lists of the worst foods to eat during a weight loss program although that sort of negative reinforcement does not work well with everyone. If you need to think about weight loss in a more positive manner, think about limiting the amount of fat and calories you eat by choosing smaller portions of fresh pastries.