As I mentioned in my previous posts, you really can’t create a decent scrapbook layout if your shots stink.
Learning how to take pretty photos will go a long way to making your page designs pop. Fortunately, it’s not too hard to hone your picture-taking skills. What’s more, even if you don’t master channeling your inner Ansel Adams, there are ways you can add spice to your scrapbook images.
For example, when in doubt, consider switching to black-and-white. Colorless prints are great options for wedding, anniversary, or prom layouts. For starters, black-and-white photos are quite flattering. Not only do they mask wrinkles and blemishes, but they also hide a litany of other skin imperfections. In addition, when you extract color from photos you can minimize the appearance of composition flaws. I also find that black and white photos allow you more freedom when you are putting together a page design, as you are able to use whatever color scheme you wish for your background paper and embellishments.
If the reason your images are so bad is a direct result of your picture-taking abilities, then consider enrolling in a photo workshop. There you will be given simple tips on how to improve your shots. Some workshops even teach you how to use photo tools to enhance your photos. Different lenses and filters are easy accessories to master. Tripods, on the other hand, may take a few lessons to conquer.
If you feature landscape shots or action photos in your scrapbook layouts, you’ll want to learn how to use a tripod. A tripod helps prevent blurring caused by shaking hands or gusts of wind. There are various sizes and styles of tripods available. Fortunately, you don’t have to shell out a ton of money to purchase a decent model. Once you buy one, you can set it up to shoot self-portraits that you can add to your scrapbook layouts.
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