I love great parenting advice and sometimes I find little quick tips and advice sprinkled throughout parenting magazines that I read. In the February 2005 issue of babytalk, for instance, I found these great little gems:
(1) Putting oil on cradle cap does not cure it. Doing so only hides the scales. Instead, wash the scalp with baby shampoo and rinse, then apply a selenium-based dandruff shampoo and leave it on for five minutes. Then rinse, dry and brush away the flakes.
(2) What’s the best way to burp your baby? According to moms, these methods have worked for them:
1. Rub or put pressure on your baby’s tummy by laying her face down on your lap.
2. Hold your baby in a seated position in your lap and then rub or pat him in the back.
3. Remember the bicycle exercise? Try it with your baby’s legs.
4. Laughter just might be the best medicine; try and get your baby to laugh.
5. Try a natural calmer- a pacifier.
And from the June/July 2005 issue:
(1) If you accidentally swear in front of your child, quickly say another word loudly like “peanut butter!”. Your child won’t be able to process the word into a useable one.
(2) What types of things do you need to childproof your home? Here are a few essentials to have:
Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors
Lower cabinet and drawer locks
Stove knob covers
An oven lock
Toilet seat locks
Power strip covers
Outlet plate covers, not just plugs
Window guards
(3) Baby powder won’t cure or ease the pain of prickly heat. Prickly heat happens when your child’s pores are clogged and putting powder on it will only clog the pores more.
(4) Many women who are put on bed rest when they are pregnant don’t need to be.
(5) Once you become a mom it’s okay to stop answering email and phone messages as soon as you get them. People have to learn that you’re on mommy time now.
See also:
103 Reasons NOT to Feel Guilty
Is It Okay To Email My Child’s Pediatrician?