In Part 1, I defined how I’d interpret the results from the Number, Timing, and Duration of Marriages and Divorces: 2001 report Jade pointed out to me that was issued in February 2005. It presented more current findings than the other report I’d found, and also some different (and interesting) stats.
That’s what’s presented below. (For your ease of reference, I’m including the Groups breakdown from Part I again so you’ll know which dates I’m referring to.)
The Groups
The report categorized those married between certain dates, but I’m assigning them group numbers.
Group 1 – 1955 to 1959
Group 2 – 1960 to 1964
Group 3 – 1965 to 1969
Group 4 – 1970 to 1974
Group 5 – 1975 to 1979
Group 6 – 1980 to 1984
Group 7 – 1985 to 1989
Group 8 – 1990 to 1994
How Many First Marriages Made it to Their 10th Anniversary?
For those in Group 1, 89.5 percent of men and 86.8 percent of women made it to their 10th year anniversary. Both the men and women in Group 5 had the lowest percentages for making it to the 10th: 72.2 percent and 67.7 percent, respectively.
But Groups 6 and 7 bounced back up: 74.5 percent and 74.7 percent (men, Groups 6 and 7 respectively) and 71.5 percent and 74.7 percent (women).
Data wasn’t yet compiled for those in Group 8.
How Many First Marriages Made it to Their 20th Anniversary?
Data was only presented for Groups 1 through 5, but again men and women in Group 1 set the benchmark with 76.2 percent and 73.1 percent, respectively.
Groups 2 (66.1), 3 (62.1), and 4 (55.8) fell for men, but Group 5 showed an increased percentage (58.4).
For women, Groups 2 through 5 all fell. (66.9, 59.2, 54.1, and 52.6, respectively.)
How Many First Marriages Made it to Their 35th Anniversary?
There were only two groups the data was presented on for this, Groups 1 and 2. For men 66.1 percent and 57.7 percent in the respective groups reached this milestone. For women it was 58.9 percent and 53.1 percent, respectively.
How Many First Marriages from Group 1 Made it to Their 40th Anniversary?
For men, 63.5 percent, compared to 54.4 percent for women.
Why Are Men’s Percentages Higher?
Keep in mind women tend to live longer than men, and also women generally marry men older than them.
Nothing on 50 Years or More
While some of those in Group 1 have already celebrated their 50th anniversaries, some haven’t. But they’re getting close. Won’t be much longer before another report might shed light on how many first marriages made it there.
At least for Group 1. My money’s on them again setting the benchmark the other groups will have to strive to compete with. (But that’s one goal I would like to strive for!)
What Does the Future Hold?
Eventually in years to come the later groups will also have their data in. Will the trend for sticking together continue? Or will there be an upsurge in divorce at some time in the future? It’ll be interesting to see. (It’d be really cool if the worst years for divorcing could remain 1965-1979!)
Courtney Mroch writes about animals great and small in Pets and the harmony and strife that encompasses married life in Marriage. For a full listing of her articles click here.
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