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More Tips for Dealing with Students

The last article that I published began listing some ideas for teachers and parents about dealing with children. In many cases, teachers and parents can use the same guidelines and rules when it comes to being teachers and parents.

Below are some more tips and ideas for how to relate to children and get the results that you want from them.

Let the child have some credit. Some children argue with teachers and other adults because they want to have more independence. If the argument is taking place in a classroom setting, the child may continue even if he or she does not want to simply because he or she does not want to back down in front of friends. Some children who have been labeled as a “bad” boy or girl may not give in to your way simply because he or she does not want to lose his or her image that was created.

Every now and then, it may be okay to let a child win. If you see that the child really needs this victory and the issue is not that important you may want to compromise a little. However be careful about doing this in front of too many students, they may all begin to think that you are a push over. This must be handled delicately. You may use statements such as “I just want you to consider my opinion” or “this is how I see things, I could be wrong”.

Talk to your students. While there is no need to go into details of your personal life, you should talk to your students. This does not include the time that you spend lecturing them about an academic subject. You can talk to them about the weather, about sports, about worldly events, or about your pets at home. The important thing is that you share with them. In return many will share with you, then it is your time to listen.

What if You Hate Your Child’s Teacher?

Keeping in Touch with Teachers

When You Disagree with Decisions Regarding Your Child’s Education