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More Tips to Strengthen Your Marriage

Yesterday I suggested a few tips to help strengthen and improve your marriage. Here are some more.

Be Involved

Make sure you have interests outside the home and/or outside the work situation. Neither of these should take up all your time. It might be a craft, a sport, or reading. Whatever it is doesn’t matter so much, so long as you are keeping mind and body active and maintain interests outside your family. It will keep you interesting as a person, help you maintain communication skills with others and provide topics of conversation.

Have Common Interests

At the same time, make sure you and your spouse have some common interests you can share together. You don’t want to each be so involved in your own activities that you have no time left to spend together. While it’s good to be involved in your community or your child’s school, don’t become so involved it takes your every moment.

Common interest in a sport or activity will always give you something to talk about and provide lots of pleasurable hours together.

Don’t Go to Bed Angry

It’s an old rule we’ve probably all heard and once we should abide by. There’s nothing worse than going to bed angry. If you’re anything like me, you wouldn’t sleep much because you’d just keep going over and over the argument or whatever caused the problem and that helps no-one.

What happens then is you wake up in the morning even more angry because you’re tired and less inclined to forgive or work toward as a resolution. When you’re tired, you are often more emotional. This is not helpful either. When we’re emotional we tend to overreact and say things we don’t mean. Those hastily flung words can do a lot of damage that can be very hard to try and undo.

Join me tomorrow for more tips.

Tips to Strengthen Your Marriage

Don’t Let Others Define You

The Marriage Quilt

The Glue That Holds Marriage Together

Marriage is Like a Good Cup of Coffee